It was strapless and the back was nearly backless clear down to her bottom except for the little tie up which did not cover up much. I ended up just making her straps a little bigger and ended up putting a cover-up (which looked really cute) in the back and here she is now

I can only hope that my own daughters will have enough self-respect to be this same way. Like I said I was so impressed that she wanted to add more to her dress and she still looked so pretty. It was really fun. She came over and I curled her hair and did her make-up for her. She was so thankful. It reminded me of going to dances back in the day. Which take a look at this.

This was my very first date ever! not to mention my very first semi-formal dress. I was covered from head to toe. Boy how the styles change. My mom made this dress for me and who's the hottie next to me? I remember being so excited that I could finally go on a date. I was one of the young ones and all my friends were able to date about a year before me. It stunk! I finally turned 16 right before homecoming. I was talking to my Young Women and she said their date started at 5 a.m. and they got home just in time to get ready for the dance. I remember it being a big deal just going on a day date, but 5 a.m.! She says they only go to the dance to get their pictures taken and then they leave! I can't imagine getting all dolled up to be at the dance for 15 minutes not to mention my mom would have killed me. She was telling me how people ask people to dances and it's way different than I ever did! I remember one time asking a guy with some fish. I got a fish bowl and filled it with water and dumped about 20 gold fish in and all the sudden all the fish were dead, they were all floating to the top. I was thinking what in the world! I felt the water and it was hot, I pretty much baked them. What a fish killer!
That is so funny about the fish! Ooops! And fun picture of you and Layne. Fun memories! Great job fixing that dress. You're so good! I wish I could sew like that and what a great YW Leader you are. I bet they all LOVE you!
That is hilarious Karri! I mean.... couldn't you hear the fish screaming in agony? JK Love the picture. It is the best... my prom picture looks earily... similar. And yes... I love to use "..." after every word to accentuate a pause. In case you were wondering.
Ha ha! Your story of baking the fish made me giggle so hard I couldn't stop!
Your dress is so '80's and SO CUTE! It totally looks like one of mine from high school, only mine was black & white. Remember that quote from Napoleon Dynamite..."I like your sleeves." heehee
Good job on fixing that dress! It looks fantastic. Nice picture too with Layne. Funny, we all thought we were so cool back then. Now we laugh.
That's a great story about killing the fish. Poor things! And what an awesome photo with Layne. You are great at sewing. I think it looks super - like the dress came that way. That's so cute that she wanted you to help her with all that and to do her hair and makeup.
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