Monday, October 22, 2007

Party #1

Tonight was the start of a very busy week. My very good friend and neighbor had a Halloween party for all the kids in the neighborhood. Everyone needs an April in their life. She has been such a blessing to me and my family. I can describe her in one word and it is WONDERFUL! She had lots of chili and I made Sally's White chicken chili soup, which was a great hit again. Thanks Sally!

We bobbed for Apples and then dipped them in Carmel.

They had a pinata that all the kids loved! A Halloween story was told. They had sack races and did crafts. The kids had so much fun. By 8:30 they were ready for bed especially Zack.

So for Halloween we decided that we would all be witches and Brad and Zack would be black cats. I ordered a costume online for Zack and it never showed up so we had to kind of make it up. He was not thrilled at all. We painted his face black and he started to cry and washed it nearly all away and he wouldn't keep his cat ears on. Hopefully his costume will get here soon. I was disappointed I didn't get a picture of Brad and his cat costume, but don't fret he will be in it plenty of times and I will get one soon.


Alison said...

So cute Karri! What a fun party. You're kids are darling, even Zack without his ears and the paint rubbed off. Have fun during your busy week! Can't wait to see Brad in his cat suit. Then I can show Dave and tell him he's a party pooper because he won't dress up this year. :)

Heather S. said...

Looks like everyone had fun at the party. What great pictures. Busy weeks sure seem to fly by so quickly.

Heather said...

You guys are doing so many fun activities for Halloween. I ought to do more cute things like this so I can enjoy this holiday more!

jwalkley said...

Karri, this is a test, wrote you a note and can't send it , Jeff is helping me!