Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Question of the day

So, I have a question for all of you. I'm in a bunko group that plays once every month. Bunko is actually really popular here. I guess it's cause there's nothing else to do. For those of you who don't know what it is, we pay $10 a month to the host (we all take turns being the host) and she goes out and gets prizes for the winners. You basically roll dice and keep track of your points and there are different prizes for the winners. So my question is "do you consider that gambling?"
There's been lots of talk that I've heard about it being a type of gambling. I actually know a couple ladies that won't do it because they consider it gambling. I mainly do it to get out and have fun with the girls the prize is just a bonus. What do you think?


Lori Ann said...

I have never played Bunko, but there were a couple of groups here in town. (I got called to sub a few times, but was always busy) Anyway, about 2 years ago our Stake President came out and said no to Bunko groups. Since I didn't play I didn't question his reasonings.

crystal said...

I don't really consider it gambling--it's just a game. I seriously doubt you'll be hitting the blackjack tables anytime soon because of it. But if the stake pres (see above comment) says specifically "No bunko," that pretty much sets a rule. For THAT stake.

Sally said...

I think people over-react and make nothing into a big deal. I don't think its gambling and I say have fun , enjoy your friends, and roll the dice!

Shelly B. said...

We played bunco when I lived in Oregon and everyone brought a prize worth 10$ every month and everyone left with a prize at the end, so it wasn't like you were really gambling. I can get you the specifics of how we divied up the was a lot of fun. After each round, if you got a bunco you got to open a prize but people could steal them up to three times and at the end whoever got the most buncos got to take whichever prize she wanted first. It was a blast and I never felt like I was gambling.

Marne said...

I think it depends on how it is run. Bunco is big over here too, and I have heard of some groups that run the $$$ differently, and require extra $$ if you don't attend, groups that charge $10 entrance fee just to play, if you lose you put more in the pot, etc.

I don't agree with those ways simply because #1 My family is priority and Bunco night is not. If I can't go then too bad. I don't want to participate in a group that doesn't understand that; and #2 I don't feel it is right to pay an entrance fee to play, or pay extra for whatever reason. I do think that is a form of gambling in a roundabout way.

In any sense, this reply is much too long! It sounds like you guys are doing it right. As long as you all go away with something, take turns hosting, and come away equal and edified from a night out together, I'm sure it is fine!

Wendi said...

Oh, the bunko debate continues forever. I think you should do whatever you feel good about. The church hasn't taken an official stand one way or the other, so to me that says use your own personal discretion. I agree that there are ways of playing that seem like gambling and ways that don't. I've been in 3 different bunko groups, all were played differently. A couple of years ago our bishop asked us to stop, for reasons other than gambling. There were 3 bunko groups going at the time and 2 of them stopped and the other chose to keep playing. No judgement either way, I just say pray about it and if you feel fine, then continue, and if you have uncomfortable feelings then stop. I love getting together with girls, but don't really like the game bunko in general, it seems a little pointless. I just liked the socializing aspect of it, so it wasnt' hard for me to give it up, but I know other girls who love it!

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

I don't think of it as gambling. I was in a group in AL and loved it. IT was so nice to get out of the house and chat with other moms!

Alison said...

We do Bunco here once a month too. We all take a $10-$15 dollar prize and the player with the highest points gets to pick a prize first and on down to the person who gets the least points. It's so fun. I really enjoy it and don't consider it gambling. But no one here is too stressed or serious about it so if we can't go one month it's no big deal.

I heard that in Utah they said no more Bunco, but it was more because it was getting too competitive about what their houses looked like, etc, and some women were taking out loans to redo their furniture before their turn to host Bunco. That made me laugh!

Heather S. said...

When we lived in Indiana we played it. I loved it. Not because of the money, but it was one night a month where I got out of the house and hung out with the girls. I loved the socializing and the treats. I guess it really just depends on your reasons for playing and how you feel about it. If a bunch of people I know and like to hang out with started a bunko here I'd join in a heartbeat depending on the rules they were going to play by.

Kjerstin said...

Okay, here's my 2 cents. . .I've only been to bunko a few times, and I LOVED it! I think as moms, we have to schedule time for ourselves, and sometimes that means an organized game. I guess I go with the expectation that my ten dollars helps pay for the prizes, but not the expectation (or really even hope) that I'll win. Not that I don't want to win, I just don't get disappointed when I go home empty handed. Because really, for me it's the time spent relaxing and laughing that is worth the time and money. I go home happy and energized to be a better wife and mom because I've had a little break. But I'm just a sub, so my opinion only kinda counts!! :) :)