Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tuesday Tell All-What I can't live without

This actually made me think. As I was going through my house taking pics of things I don't think I could live without I was going outside and right above my door, I have this. I have this above my door so everytime I leave, I can think of it. I was taking pics of temporal things, I didn't even think of things that really matter in my life and that I really can't live without. Prayer is so important to me. I"m so thankful that I can speak with Heavenly Father directly through prayer. He helps me so much and he is the reason I have all the "temporal" things I can't live without.

Which brings me to my next thing

I couldn't imagine not beleiving in eternal life and being with my family. I'm so thankful that we are all sealed together and that we will be together in the next life. I love going to the temple and doing temple work. I saw this picture of the Salt Lake Temple and just had to add it. Isn't it pretty?
So pretty much I couldn't live without the church, everything about it scriptures, prayer, FHE, Temples, Joseph Smith, my testimony, etc.)

Chocolate! Chocolate is a girl's best friend! Sometimes I just need a little chocolate to lighten my day. Here's a few of my favorite (and what I happen to have in the pantry

This is the best STUFF! It's called "Pearatin". A friend introduced it to me after a horrible horrible hair cut and dye. I had to go to two different ladies to fix it and my hair was fried! My friend said to use this to help give it some nutrients and it has been the best stuff. I put a little in my hair every day. It makes it shine, smell and soft. It smells like Pear hence the name. You can even rub some into your skin. I always pour a little extra so I can add some to my legs and arms. The other stuff is Catwalk's oatmeal honey shampoo and conditioner. This is awesome stuff too. I don't think it really does anything special to my hair, but the smell is incredible! It smells like cake! This is one thing my hair can't live without.
My bed is awesome! I have a hard time sleeping if it's not in my bed. Not to mention a pillow top mattress, we have a down pillow top on top and it is so COMFORTABLE! Maybe that's why I'm not a morning person. My body doesn't want to leave my bed. Plus, this is where Brad and I spend most of our time talking after the kids go to bed. I don't care what people say, my bedroom is one of my favorite rooms of the house. I want new bed furniture, but haven't quite talked Brad into it yet. I also have two Euro pillows on order, which will even add more fluffiness. I definately can't live without my own bed!
I love to be outdoors. I love working in the garden and this last summer Brad and I did quite a bit of landscaping to our new yard. I loved every minute of it. I love trees and flowers and it's even better to have them in your yard. I love sit back and watch the kids play in the yard with other neighborhood kids. I'm so sad that I won't get to experience that for awhile.

I saved my favorite for last. I could not live without my family. My kids and husband are so important in my life. Everything I do, I do for them or for our family. I can't even imagine not having them in my life. They are my world! I took these pictures over the weekend. We woke up Saturday morning and there was snow! The kids had so much fun building a snowman and spending time together. As they say, "Friends come and go, a Family is Forever" (or something like that)

Not only could I not live without my own little family, but I coudln't live without my brother and sisters and my mom and dad. We are such a close family and I'm so blessed to have them close by. When we get together we laugh a lot, eat, play games and have a merry 'ol time. I love em!


Marne said...

Great post Karri. Good reminders of what we need to be thankful for!

Alison said...

These are the exact things I can't live without too! Very good post and pictures. Loved it!