For all of you who live in Idaho Falls. This Santa mailbox is over by the temple. If you put your address on the letter, the kids will get a letter from Santa back. Isn't that a fun idea. One of the fun Christmas ideas on my calendar was to write a letter to Santa. The kids had so much writing the letters and I had fun listening to everything they wanted. Zack was done with his letter, but they kept giving him new ideas of what he may want. Some of the items on their lists were ipods, jewelry, clothes, heelies (spelling?), anything Dora for Ashlyn, anything spiderman for Zack. Later, we went to deliver the letters to Santa's mailbox.
One thing I think is crazy is that my two oldest, they are 7 and 8, didn't ask for any toys. I remember asking for toys up until I was like 12. What's the deal? They'll be asking for cars and such when they're teenagers! For anyone who has 7 or 8 year olds, what are you getting them? Does every 7 or 8 year old want an ipod? Boy how the times are changing.

That looks like so much fun! Brynlee is 7 & she wants a skateboard & a camera. She hasn't talked about an ipod though. We thought about one just because we are traveling to CA on Christmas so we thought it would be fun to get her a small one for something to do on the airplane. Your kids are so cute, thanks for sharing!
How fun! My 7 year old hasn't asked for an ipod thanks goodness. Cute kids!
My 7 year old wants a new outfit for her build a bear or a sewing basket....she's getting a sewing basket (as are her 2 sisters) and they are all getting $10 Build a Bear gift cards in their stockings.....
We really concentrate on the Christ in Christmas, and don't concentrate on gifts. Our kids always only get one gift for Christmas plus their stocking. This year, we are concentrating on giving to others, as Christ gave to us so we are going simple....all 3 girls are getting sewing baskets and the boy is getting a tool box with a couple of tools to start his "man hope chest :)". Then we are giving each of the kids a $10 Build a Bear gift card and a few candies in their stockings.
I didn't know that Santa writes back!!! We already took the boys, but now I know for next year! We always have the ongoing debate as to how the letters get from the box to the North Pole. Is it magic or do elves come in the night and collect them? It's a toss up! Dang that Santa, he has a lot to do! :)
I am so jealous of the Santa mailbox! My 8 yr old wants toys, thank goodness, but I have a feeling it'll be different next year.
Our kids should so hang out Karri! My 6 year old totally wants an ipod so she can listen so scooby-doo music. Really? Her other request is a computer. Seriously??? What on earth would she do with a computer? She can't even read yet! She had a list a mile long of toys too though, so I told her Santa would probably be sticking to the toy end of things.
Kait is ALL about Dora. In fact, I think almost everything we got her is Dora themed. Lovely. Maybe we should make the trek to IF for that Santa mailbox. Very cool idea.
I don't even have an ipod yet! That's on my list for Christmas and I'm 31. :)
I'm glad you posted about this fun Santa mailbox! We'll have to drive the kids over to drop in their letters. How fun!
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