Zack has brought to my attention that he does not like a poopy diaper. He's been telling me that he has to go poopy before he goes in his diaper. Being my first boy, I have NO idea how to potty train a boy. All of my girls were trained by 18 months. I was very lucky. I have been told that boys are LOTS slower. So, since Zack is very behind in almost everything I thought he wouldn't be ready until he was about 5 or 6. :) O.K., maybe not that late. Seriously, I thought he would at least be three. On Sunday, he said he has to go potty, so I took him to the bathroom just to see what he would do and sure enough he went! He's been going this whole week! It's funny because he will sit on his potty and with his little pointer finger, very carefully, pushes his little "guy" into the little protection cup. It's hollarious! We'll see how he does in the next few weeks!
Lucky you! I can't believe he's just telling you! That is awesome!
Oh, potty training! I don't have to worry about that for a while! That's so awesome that he is making it "easy" for you!
Greg is the current and I'm not sure I remember the one I was dating when we worked together, but he is long gone! Your digi page is so cute! So are you working at all?
Oh, you are lucky! My boys weren't that easy. Maybe you can give me advice on Lacy? I am new at girls.
I heard boys were easier around age 3. So I waited until then and it was a piece of cake to potty train them because they were ready. I never had any of my kids tell me they wanted to go! You lucky! Hope it works early for Zach and you'll be out of diapers! Hooray!
You are SOOOOO lucky! I hate potty training. My boy who will be three in June is about to be trained.... if I can get up the nerve. It is so taxing and hard. Congrats and good luck!
Awesome! I have to say, being DONE with potty training is the best part about potty training!! :)
Karri, the name doesn't ring a bell, sorry. It is reallllly growing here. Since moving here 3years ago, our ward has split twice, and the stake once!!
Boy potty training scared me to death too. Then I started and it took one day. My girls were bears about it. I'll take a boy any day!
Cute page Karri. I think pictures on the potty are too funny. Someday I hope to figure out the best way to potty train. I don't think I've quite mastered that parenting skill yet.
hey karri, its debbie t. brit told me to check out your blog. that little boy is sooo cute. i bet those sisters love him to death. im going to check out shawns blog too. talk soon.
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