learned the violin when I was younger.
Furthered my education after Ricks College
Waited til I was older when I married Brad. I'll explain. NO regrets in marrying Brad at all, but I wish I had got some experience outside of Idaho. I would have done some of the things I wanted when I was younger like be a nanny in New York or work in Hawaii or on a Cruise Ship (I had not seen all the Cruise Ship staff does at that time- aauuughhh)
Not married Brad in October (the prime for hunting season) ( I really don't regret marrying you babe)
Been more social in High school. Be friends with everybody and not so judgemental.

Kept my grades up in high school.
Not been so "moody" to my family when I was teenager.
Spent more time getting to know the history of my Grandpa and Grandma Sakota.
Not eaten three peices of pizza last night
Payed more attention in seminary and church and learned back then things I'm learning now.
waited four years to have kids.
did not get Brad "fixed" after having Ashlyn.
got married in the temple.
took piano and kept with it.
put my seatbelt on when I got the inspiration when I was in an accident with one of my friends in High school.
Was observant with my mom and grandmothers in "housewife" stuff. Cooking, sewing, kniting, crocheting. It always looked so fun to me and I'm glad I gave each of them a try.
Started blogging to get back in touch with good friends and to start recording important things like this.
Have the opportunity to be in Young Womens.
Was raised by great parents that taught me and cared for me and gave me a great childhood.
Chose the neighborhood we live in now.
Live so close to my family.
Such a beautiful list. You are so blessed!
Love this Karri! Great time to reflect. I just might do this as well.
What a great list! It really makes you think! I'm glad to hear that you remember me. It has been a while! I'm not married yet. Maybe some day sooner than later :)
I can't believe how big your kids are now. Especially your little man! I think I was still working there when he was born!
What a great list! I especially liked the one about grandma and grandpa, as much time as you spent there "sleeping" you probably could have found out alot! HAHAHAH
Excellent Karri! I love how much you can learn about someone from a list!!
You really thought about this! I'm impressed. I love the honesty. And what a great list of blessings!
What a great list Karri! After reading yours I want to do this now even tho I'm a day late. Thanks for all your great insight! You're so cute.
great list! I second the regret being "moody" as a teenager. But, that just may be all teenagers - I know with having 2 girls I will get what is coming!
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