Zack was diagnosed with RSV on Thursday, Valentines Day. We went in to have him checked for an ear infection and we left with him having a very bad ear infection and RSV. Zack has asthma and so every time he gets a cold or sick, it's ten times worse. It's been so sad to see him just sit and not want to do anything, but sleep. He is usually so happy and cheerful and full of life. His sisters aren't quite sure what to do either, because he keeps them laughing. Brad had to leave for New Mexico for work for the WHOLE week. We will then meet up in Vegas on Friday. I can't wait. It's probably good I won't see him this whole week because it will make Vegas that much BETTER! Hopefully Zack is better by then I can leave him and not feel guilty. I have awesome friends and family that will helping with the kids though. I have a big list to get done before Vegas. Here is it and X is what I have completed so far:
Clean top to bottom of my house
Do about 4 loads of laundry
x Nails
Pack for four kids
Pack for myself
Clean out my fridge
xTan, don't wanna look like a vampire in Vegas
Do something fun with the kids before I leave
Clean out my car
Make some bread and deliver to a neighbor
xGo shop for a new outfit
I guess that's not too bad. You see what my priorities are though! Good luck to me!
That would be what my list would look like :)
Poor Zack! All 3 of my kids got RSV, despite my very best efforts. Hope he's well soon.
Love the list--well the checked off items anyway.
Max has asthma too--so I know EXACTLY what you're saying when you explain that every cold and cough gets 10 times worse with him. Ugh.
Have fun on your trip! And no more gloating about tanning...it's what I miss most while pregnant :( (oh, life is soooo rough)
I am sorry to hear about Zack. My nephew in Utah just got over it. My kids never got RSV but they have Riley had Bronchidis, Ethan had Phenomna and had to stay in the hospital over night when he was just 18 months old. I am glad that you are taking care of yourself. I know that everyting else usually comes first before me but it is good to do things for yourself, besides the other stuff will always be there.
Poor guy! I hope he feels better soon. My nephew had that when he was little & had to stay in the hospital for a few days. It's a scarry thing...
Have fun in Vegas!
I'm sorry to hear your little one is sick :( I hope he gets feeling better soon! I have been busy getting ready for my big trip to Orlando!! It is for work, but there is only so much of that you can do, and then off to do the fun stuff! I hope you have a blast on your trip! (Oh, and Greg is my on again off again! Gotta love those!)
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