This resembles a little how I felt and probably looked this morning. Let me just record how my day started today. While taking my girls and a neighbor to school today, I was driving down the road. My subdivision is not in the same neighborhood as the school. As I left my subdivsion and was headed towards the school I saw a car pulling out of her driveway. I saw her look both ways and she started to pull out. I thought to myself, there's no way she will pull out, she'll hit me. She never stopped and continued almost hitting me. I swirved so she wouldn't hit me and I gave her a big honk to let her know I was there. She followed me and I thought she was just taking her kids to school. I had to go in and helps my girls with some tests and so I parked. She pulled in right behind my car slamming on her brakes and rolled her window down. I told my girls that she was going to try to talk to us, but to just ingore her and continue to walk to the school. We all got out and she started yelling at us and did my kids ignore her and go in? No....They got out, stared at her and listened and got an ear full. She started by saying "Hey B----, I have your license plate number. You can't stop for two seconds to let someone pull out of their driveway?" I ignored her and started to walk to the school. She then said "Don't you dare walk away from me." I kept cool and told my kids to just keep walking. Well, she drives over the curb and onto the street where we were crossing and comes right in front of me with her car. She continued to cuss and yell and I can't even remember what she was saying. I was getting a little nervous. I just kept ignoring her and we finally made it to the school. She harassed us clear til we got in. I couldn't beleive that had just happened. Can you beleive that? What a Psycho. My kids kept saying "mom, she called you the B word." I can't beleive she was saying those words on school grounds in front of my kids. She even had a couple kids with her.
I'm the type that doesn't really take crap from people, but I'm so glad that I didn't lose my cool and start yelling back. What would that have taught my kids? I'm getting mad even talking about it right now. I still can't beleive that happened. Some People......
You're good not to get mad Karri! I can't believe she would swear at you in front of your kids and hers. I think more people need to chill out and remember to be kind, that most people are just doing the best they can. Too bad she got so mad over something so silly!
Well thanks to the reply to our (my wife's) blog! How did you come across it? That is kind of weird. So what is new with you? I guess our big thing is that we had our first baby the day after Thanksgiving. It has been a lot of fun. My wife and I live in Ammon and I work at the middle school as a teacher. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. We need to have another Sakota/Luke get together real soon!
Oh my word! Good for you for keeping cool. I would have probably started a cat fight right there in front of the school!
That just made me mad reading it, you are so good to keep your cool. Too bad you didn't get her license number & turn her in for harrassing you. People like that just erk me, you just want to tell them to get a life or go take drivers ed! Plus you did nothing wrong, you had the right of way. Sorry you had to deal with that, & especially your kids:(
Oh my gosh, what a nasty lady! I applaud you for keeping your cool - I would have went off! Especially since she was using that kind of language in front of kids. Some people :)
For some reason my comment didn't save. . .weird. Anyway, good for you for staying so calm! People like that just are looking for someone to fight with, so you handled it perfectly. I'm so sorry you had such a crappy start to your day, though. But, your kids will always have your example of how to stay cool in a confrontation.
karri, you should have kicked her butt!!!! boy that sounds like the old debbie. its good you kept your cool. your kids dont need to see you get angry like the other woman. good girl karri
So sorry, I had a similar experience around Christmas time at the mall. Some people are just crazy!!
How awful! I would NOT have kept my cool. Kudos to you for that impressive display of willpower!
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