I"ve always wanted something really "cool" to collect, but just haven't been a great collector. I was a better collector when I was younger than I am now. I'm trying to keep up with my kids' collections and just don't have the time for myself. However, when I was younger I did have quite an assortment of collections.

Strawberry Shortcakes. I was obsessed with these little guys and was so excited when I saw them for sale again, but disappointed when none of my kids thought they were cool. I don't blame them though, they were way better in the 80's. My kids love to play with these and I'm so happy my mom kept them. She kept EVERYTHING I had of strawberry shortcakes. This is just small portion.

Sticker collection. I had them all. I especially liked the scratch and sniff ones that smelled like chocolate! I remember trading stickers with my friends at school, but would never trade the scratch and sniff ones. so Selfish!

Porcelain Dolls. This is one I started when I was a little older. This is one of my favorites that I got in Prince Edward Island. I loved the little girl porcelain dolls. If it was porcelain, I needed it. This is one I've started with my girls.

Letters. I didn't realize it at the time, that this would be a collection and quite a silly one I might add. I have kept all my letters from grade school up to when Brad and I got married. I don't know what it is, but I just can't part with them. I have lots from probably 7th-8th grade from my friends and when I go back and read them I just laugh. When Brad and I got engaged, he left for four months and I've kept all those. It's fun to go back and read them and see how much we've "grown" up.

Coin Buckets from Vegas. IF you know my family at all, we love Vegas. Well when I was younger, probably 8th grade, I thought the coin buckets were way cool. I made my family stop at every casino just so I could get a bucket. So sorry fam! That is one collection I did not keep.
LOVE that you have your strawberry shortcake collection! I am so jealous!!!
The only collection I can relate on is the letters! I have so many notes and things from way back when - it is so funny to back and read them! Thanks for sharing!
I love those vintage Strawberry Shortcake figs! I am so jealous!!!! Don't you EVER sell those on ebay! I'm warning you.
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