Monday, April 21, 2008

Can I just breathe?

What an absolute CRAZY last week. And I have so much to say. It started off with me hosting a scentsy Party. How fun that was! It was a big success also. Thank you Hilary so much! You should check out the website. They have awesome smells!Then it was off to Utah for another dance competition. We rocked again and Hailee has so much fun. Her dance took first out of the five teams that were the same age, type of dance and group and then they took first out of their whole division, 14 teams! Way to go Hailee. Here's some pics of her

I found this awesome store in the mall called "Head Over Heels" I was in heaven. I love heels and the whole store was heels! I ended up buying five pair, but here is my favorite!

I'm loving the yellow for this spring and summer.

I also spent quite a bit of time in Tai Pan! Love that store. Brad said he wanted a nap so I thought, Perfect! He can sleep and I'll go in Tai Pan for a little bit. Well, when I came back to the car, he was pretty upset saying "did you really just spend two hours in there?!" He's such a good sport and here's my favorite purchases of that store.

When we got home we had two birthday parties to go to. Crazy Crazy. Then there was BUNKO, Me and another friend hosted a baby shower for one of our other friends, Another birthday party for Linkin and another party because all of my family from Utah, Alabama and Virginia were up. I think I"m all partied out! This was me by last night

This is a picture of the three grandsons at Linkin's party. Linkin is my younger sister's adopted son. We love him so much. Zack was so funny, we practiced all day singing Happy Birthday and he would pretend to blow out the candles. During the party, he was sitting up there by Linkin just dying to blow the candles out and dig in to the cake when we were done singing. I actually caught him licking the frosting on the cake with his tongue. He's a sucker for cake!
I'm afraid this is just the beginning of all craziness. May is pretty busy for me too. Wish me luck.


amber and james said...

I knew you were a wild party girl! I love to party with you, you are so funny! Bonko wouldn't be the same without you! I just love ya! I hope that things slow down for you this week.
Also, I love Tai Pan, my inlaws live 10 min. away, it is awesome. Your family is adorable by the way, just like their mommy!
Have a great week!

Wendi said...

So cute! Congratulations. Love her beautiful smile. Ours was at Granger High School, where was yours? What is the name of your studio?

Kjerstin said...

Do you ever think "I just have to make it through this week, then things will calm down" but then next week ends up being even crazier? Yeah, being a "stay-at-home" mom, usually means not ever being home! :) Just remember, breathing is good! By the way, two hours in Tai Pan sounds like a very reasonable amount of time to me. . .I don't know why your husband could possibly be upset. :)

Brittany said...

Wow, busy lady, I was overwhelmed just reading about everything you had going on! I hope things slow down a bit for ya and I love those heels! Adorable! Have a great day! :)

Marne said...

Don't you just love Scentsy? YUM! I love their new warmers that are out now...

TaiPan is a fun store, isn't it?

Alison said...

Wow! You are one busy woman! Sounds like you're doing lots of fun things. Hailee is beautiful, how fun that they did so great at their competition. I've heard Tai Pan is so fun, I really want to go there! And I would love to get some Scentsy stuff. Can I still order some from you? Let me know!

Anonymous said...

Tell Hailee way to go! I wish they had stuff like that around here. Brynlee takes dance but it's not like what I used to do when I took from Julie Vickers & doing competitions & stuff. So fun! You have been crazy busy. I have never heard of Scentsy stuff or the Tai Pan store. I will have to check out that store next time we are passing through Utah. If you could send me some info on the Scentsy stuff, I am interested to see what it is.

Anonymous said...

I love those shoes--which mall was that store in?

Pamcakes said...

Holy cow it looks like you totally hooked up. I love your new stuff. At least with all your craziness you still got to go shopping. I love the dance pictures, every little girl needs memories like that!

Sally said...

Wow, you've been busy! Hailee is so beautiful! Loving their costumes especially the little Camo outfits. So cute!

Wendi said...

Yes, it's a competition in Utah. It was our first time going to that one. I've never been to that LA Magic. Is it a good one? How many do you guys go to and which ones? Ours next week is at Kearns High School and the week after is at Lagoon.

The High Family- said...

Wow...just reading all that you did made me exhausted. I can't believe that you did all of that in such a short period of time. I bet that was fun to see family. I am so impressed with Hailee...what a talented little girl you have!

Lisa said...

How fun!! I actually love to be busy!! I need to get my girls into dance classes - they would love it. What is bunco?

lacey said...

What would we do with spare time???? HAHAH Sounds like fun huh! Good luck you busy woman!

Pickett Fences said...

Maybe I am glad I have all boys. That look like a lot of work for all the dancing and girl stuff. I love the shoes. I just have basic colors but I want to get some fun colors. Travis says I have enough shoes, but what girl has too many. Did you go to the Tai Pan in Clearfield or in Salt Lake? I love that store. My brother and his family live in Clearfield so I go there whenever I go down there.

Hilary said...

You are SUCH a busy gal! And, yet you ooze this calm, peacefulness (is that a word?!). I wish I was more like you!

Hilary said...

I forgot to say-if any of your friends are interested in scentsy- they can go to or call me. (no pressure though!)