Tuesday, April 8, 2008

TTA- Livin on the Edge

If you could do
something dangerous
just once
with no risk

what would you do?

This one took a little bit to think about. Probably because I DO NOT live on the edge, nor do I like to. This all seemed to happen when I had kids. Not only will my bladder probably not hold up but I am scared to death of dying while doing something stupid. The last "risky" thing I did was bungy jump at Lagoon. But this is "no risk involved", that does that mean peeing your pants too? Here's a couple things I would consider doing

Doesn't this just look like a JOY? Your hubby being on top of you enjoying the bright blue sky. NOT!

Now, this is something I really have always thought would be a rush. Being in a cage with sharks just dying to eat you!
I would totally be a Harley chick if there was no risk in getting killed or beat up on the road. I would get ALL leathered up bandana and everything! I would definately check out Sturgis and see what that's all about too. I"ve always thought those girls were so tough and just had no worries, how would that be?


The High Family- said...

I would love to skydive. Not now...I mean seriously...I am almost 9 months pregant. The visual alone is disturbing...maybe after the baby is born. Who am I kidding...I would probably chicken out!

amber and james said...

I am a blog stalker! i found your blog through Pam's. I am so excited! I love to see your family. You crack me up. You are so pretty too BTW. See ya Wed. at Bonko!
My blog is jamesandamberwilliams.blogspot.com

amber and james said...

I lied! My blog is really amberandjameswilliams.blogspot.com. Sorry, I am a blonde ya know!