Here's the shoes!

For all you who wanted instructions on the pool cake (see previous post) Here they are.
I first baked two cakes in a 9x13 pan. Let them completly cool. Now I used homemade whipping cream as the frosting. This was the first time I did this and it wa sooo Good. The kids liked it better than frosting. Cool Whip will work also. So cut out the middle of only ONE cake, leaving a two inch border. Add a layer of whipping cream to the bottom of the same cake and put it on top of the other cake, the one that you didn't cut. ADd the rest of the whipping cream to frost and use a decorative finish. I used so it looked like waves. I used teddy grams with gummy lifesavers for the people. You could do anything though. As for the water. I used two boxes of the blue kind of Jell-o and I used the speed method. Put in fridge until almost set (almost like egg whites) When almost set, carefully spoon the jello into the center. Refridgerate until completely set. It won't ever completely set, but will get firmer than an egg white. Have fun with it! Let me know if something doesn't make sense.
ha ha. that is too funny! My husband has done that and didn't notice till he was already at work. Embarrassing but so funny!!
You crack me up! I have a pair of slippers that have shoe like soles, so I've left the house wearing those a few times (once to church, that was nice). :)
Oh my gosh Karri! This information just makes me love ya more! I am laughing so hard right now! You are so funny! I am so glad you shared that story, I needed it today! See ya!
That is too funny!! Thanks for the laugh! And I can't believe they told you not to come back and donate again. I haven't been yet, but they purse is my new motivation for sure!
Why does that not surprise me!!! HAHAHA
Oh wow! That is hilarious! Totally something I would do. Funny!
Too funny! Thanks for the cake instructions, we will have to try it sometime. We have used cool whip & pudding for frosting & it's really good too. You make the pudding using the pie recipe so you use less milk, then mix it with cool whip and it's way better than frosting.
Love the boots. That is so funny, but I think you need a break.
Karri! That is hilarious! I'm so glad you shared that, thanks for making me laugh! And so glad to have the instructions for that cute cake too!
Hilarious on the boots!!!
Your cake is amazing! I love it. So creative!
That is so funny! The great thing is that you are so cute you could actually pull it off. Maybe everyone will start doing it now.
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