sorry, it's so blurry, I need a new camera.
Me and my bro and sisters goofying off after the Halloween party
Hailee and Paige before their school Halloween parade. they were good sports in wanting to wear their wigs.
My siblings again. Aren't their costumes awesome!
Another thing that's kept me busy that I love is canning. This is everything I've canned just this year. Look at all those beans! Beans, peaches, pears, tomatos, salsa, pear butter, raspberry jam, strawberry jam and ooohhh apple pie filling. I've taken up the dehyrating fruits this year, which my kids lalalove! I only wish I had more fruit to dry.
I hosted a neighborhood Halloween party this year. Our ward didn't hold a trunk or treat this year, which I thought I was disappointed in but I actually liked it. It was pretty warm this year too. I went to my sisters neighborhood and it was like the movies. Kids everywhere...walking door to door to get their candy. I loved it. Now ask me wheyn it's 30 degrees outside like years past and I'd probably prefer the trunk or treat.
I had a friend weekend in SLC a couple weeks ago and all I can say is it was much needed! Tai pan, P.F changs, Park city, Cafe Rio, Gateway, what else could I ask for. We had so much fun. That same weekend was the Sakota Halloween party And Brad and I had to get talks ready for church on Sunday. The talks came up a few days before I was leaving town. It probably seems like I complain a lot about me being busy, but I love being busy. I have a hard time just sitting and not doing anything. Needless to say, it was a very busy couple weeks and I loved every minute of it. I got everything done and this was me when it was all over.

Busy! Busy! Those costumes are awesome! You did such a great job! And way to go on all the canning. Looks yummy!
Good job on the costumes. I think it's fun when families dress up to coordinate. And I'm amazed at all your canning. What good time spent to keep the family happily fed. I love seeing full shelves of organized food. Sounds like you are doing great things - as always.
You are AMAZING!!! What great costumes. I loved seeing pictures of your canning all in rows. I bet that gives you such a feeling of accomplishment! I wish I knew how to can all that stuff and how to dehydrate fruit. Your lucky kids! You are always so busy and do so much. I admire you!
Karri- you are so dang talented! Your costumes are fabulous, I cannot believe you made them.
Also super impressed with the canning...if only!
Cute costumes, you did a great job on them. Also the canning AMAZING -I need some of your energy....
My hair is darker but it has become that way since having children & I can't keep up with highlights. So when I was home I had my mom match my roots as much as possible & that's what it turned out to be. Glad you guys had a great Halloween.
Hey there busy lady. I wish that I had you energy. It looks like you guys had fun on Halloween.
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