I absobluetley love fall. I love the warm days (but not so hot that I have to turn on the AC)and the cool nights. I love to decorate my house for fall and go to Roberts and get the fall smelling candles. I love to be out in the garden and pick all the things I worked so hard on to grow. I did a bunch of peaches that a friend of mine got from Boise. I've learned that there are tons and tons of different peaches. I had no idea. My favorite are the July flames (or something like that) If you ever have a chance to taste one, do it. You won't regret it. I canned peaches on Wednesday (I'm still catching up on my week because I had no computer this week.) with the help of my two little ones. Zack loves to help me and he loves to help me mop. He is at the cutest stage right now and if I could freeze him right now, I would! Friday we had scrapbooking at my house. There is a bunch of about 7or 8 of my girlsfriends that get together and have lunch and work on things like scrapbooking or whatever! Not much gets done because we're busy talking. I have the most awesome group of friends and if you're like me you'll agree that everyone needs a group of girlsfriends. People to talk to, laugh with, shop with, watch chic flicks with and etc. One of my favorite memories is we all went to Time our for Women put on my Desert Book in Logan. We went shopping in SLC then that night and the next morning we were learning the teachings of the church. It was so fun!
Trying to finish landscaping I decided I would take the kids and pick out a tree. What A mess! never again! Zack had been sleeping and right when we got there he woke up grumpier than grumpy. He insisted that I hold him the entire time. So I was trying to hold him, push the stroller, carry the cart behind me with a huge tree and keep my other kids from playing ghost in the grave yard through the rose bushes! Needless to say, we got a tree and I learned my lesson to not try that again.
Today in church the Young women got to go to Relief Society. I miss hearing the R.S. lessons, but I love teaching the YW. (Sally, I might have to get some ideas from you!) The lesson was on keeping your marriage healthy. The teacher gave great ideas on keeping the spark in your marriage. After four kids and how busy our lives are Brad and I have very little time together. We do do a once a week date which I look forward to every week. Friday night, we got ice cream from cold stone and just went shopping a little bit. It was great. We have a romance jar that helps too. Every week we take turns picking something to do from our romance jar (if anyone wants a copy of them let me know) They have great ideas. They have like watch the stars one night, cook their favorite meal and fun things like that. It has truly helped keep the spark in our marriage!
I liked your idea about the "romance jar". For a minute I was a little scared to hear what it said inside - HA HA. Bryce & I need to do more things together, with just us. I think we get out without the kids maybe 1 a month. I wish I knew how to can or cook for that matter. I guess that's what you get when you have a mom that doesn't know how to cook either. Great memories for your kids & traditions to pass on to their kids.
I am so impressed with your canning! I love to can, but since we didnt plant a garden this year, my canning is pretty slim!
Wow! You have been busy- tomatoes and peaches in a week! I would love to can peaches but have never attempted it but you've inspired me.
I would love to swap YW ideas with you. Do you teach?
To answer your question on the bottles- yes, the postage goes right on the bottle. I just take them to the Post Office and them weigh them for me. Its about $1.50 to send them. They are fun!
Karri, Great job! You are wonderful. Your peaches look fabulous. Cute pictures too of you and your kids! And I like the heading on your blog. I want to do tomatoes now too, since seeing your blog. Do you use them in spaghetti and stuff?
P.S. I think you should post more ideas of what is in your romance jar. Sounds fun!
And great job getting through the tree nursery with 4 kids. Taking kids anywhere is a challenge! :)
And I'm jealous you got to go to TOFW. It sounds like you had alot of fun!
Great job on canning Kerri. Glad to see your blog is up and running...Heather did a great job on your header. LOVE it! You have a beautiful family.
We would love to have you join Tuesdays Tell All. I will send your email address to Marcie (My Good Friend from Dental School) and she sends out the topic to everyone the friday before so that you have a couple of days to think about it. We try to pick topics that are good for journaling and that you would want to remember or want your kids to know. This weeks was actually "Home Sweet Home" but I have Christmas on the brain. You just post on your own blog and then everyone can check it. It has been a lot of fun. Let me know if you have other questions!
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