9:00 a.m. Got groceries for Brad and the scouts for a campout that night that Brad did not go on.
11:30 a.m. Went to lunch with April and Jolene and had an awesome conversation. (I love my friends)
2:15 Cleaned up the house
3:15 Dropped the kids off at my sis's Lesa house
3:30 Went to the temple
6:00 Went to Rexburg and picked up Drill Team pics (remember selling them Stelene, Abby, and Alison) It's the same guy and he always asks about Mrs. Garn. They did not turn out very good and I only chose a couple that I liked. I had a big fat roll that was totally obvious UGH! I guess I forgot to tuck it in before the pic. That's what four kids will do! Here they are

6:00 a.m.-Woke up
6:30 went to the temple with Young Women Presidency
9:00 went to a dance thing for Hailee
12:00 took a nap
3:00 Woke up from a nap feeling very refreshed
5:00 Went to General R.S Broadcast
8:00 Got home and arranged my food storage
I can say that by Saturday night I was feeling very spiritually uplifted. The temple twice and the R.S Broadcast. It was all awesome and I definately needed it. If I could only feel that way ALL the time. I guess that means I should go to the temple more often.
I loved it all, but I really like how Sister Thompson talked about families. Teach your kids by example. I really needed that because I tell them to talk nice to each other and not to raise their voice, but I definately do that and if I want my kids to really learn that I need to be their example and do it myself. I loved how Sister Beck talked about speaking with one voice and standing strong and immovable. I also liked how she gave Relief the defination of "raising one up" and that we must provide relief to those who need it.
Brad's sister blessed her baby today in his mom's ward, which is here in Idaho Falls. They live just down the road from us, but we are not in the same Ward. It was very good to see them and visit with them. This is her second child and it's fun to see her family grow. When all the men went to bless Marissa, we couldn't find Kaitlyn (her 1st child) and we look all over for her. She was up in the circle helping hold her little sister. It was cute.
Sounds like you had a busy weekend! I do remember selling those pictures & what a pain it was. Thats great that you went to the temple so much, it will be nice when i am done nursing so we can go. Thanks for updating me on the R.S. talks, Bryce was out of town all weekend & I didn't get to go. Have a good week!
By the way your pictures turned out really good!
LOVE your pictures! I think they turned out great! What a beautiful family. The good old days of drill team. Thinking of selling those pictures and then sitting there while other people came and got them made me laugh. I'd forgotten about that. And good job going to the temple twice! Sounds like you had a great weekend.
I think your pictures are gorgeous! Love the colors! You have such good lookin kids.
I enjoyed reading the recap of your weekend. Wouldn't we just feel awesome all the time if we went to the temple as much as we want to?
I'm so glad I still get to run into you at stake stuff! Thanks for the recipe (I bought wonton wrappers and poppyseed dressing today!). I agree with everyone else, your pictures are beautiful! :)
I think your pictures turned out darling! I love the colors you chose.
Pics look great! You have a beautiful family. By the way, I got the clipboard today, thanks! It is super cute!
I think your pictures are really cute. You have such a darling family too. What a busy weekend but you are involved with such good things.
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