Monday, September 24, 2007

who wants to win?

I want to try something new. One thing that is a great part of my life that I could not live without is Service. I love doing things for others. I enjoy cooking, crafting or whatever else and giving them to friends, family or whoever. I feel so blessed for everything I do have in my life that I want to share with others. I received a clipboard from one of my good friends for Mother's Day. It is awesome. I was making some over the weekend and I thought I would make a couple and give them away to my friendly bloggers. Anyone can win (even if I don't know you) For the first time just post a comment and I will put your name into a drawing. Later on I may ask for something like your favorite recipe or something and chose a winner that way. There are two clipboards to give away. These are awesome. It will come with a notepad for notes. I will often clip my bills, paychecks, grocery list and errands to my clipboard when I go into town. I have a big purse and I hate just throwing things in there. They could get lost! So with my clipboard I have everything in order. Here is a pic of one of them. Sorry it's not very clear or a close up. Hopefully you can still see it

I will draw two names probably on Wednesday. So stay tunned! (I was able to click on the pic and it came up bigger so you can really see what it looks like)

The other day I was driving Paige home from soccer practice and she was telling me that Mr. Cunha wanted everyone to say their favorite day of the week. She told me everybody said Friday or Saturday except for her. I asked what her favorite day was and she told me it was Monday. In my head I was asking myself Why Monday? It's our bussiest most caotic day. She said it was Monday because that's the day of Family Home Evening. I felt like the worse parent ever! Like I said Mondays are very busy and chaotic and for the last couple months we haven't had Family HOme Evening. They beg every Monday, but by the time we get time to do it it's time for bed. It made me realize how much they do love FHE and how much they do learn from it and really how important it is in their lives. So I woke the girls up early this morning so they could get their reading and piano done so we would have time to do it tonight. It's sad to think that My 6-year-old daughter had to say that for me to realize. I guess that's why we have kids, to keep us on the straight and narrow!


crystal said...

Hi Karri! I found your blog when I was leaving a comment on my friend Wendi's blog (inawesomewonder). Your clipboard is so darn cute & I want to enter! Is this how I enter--leave a comment? Anyway, I'm having fun reading your blog; it's fun to find friends who you have lots in common with. :)

Heather S. said...

Hi Karri, I found your blog the same way crystal did, through my sister's blog. It's always fun to meet new blogging people. It looks like you live in Idaho Falls, that's where my grandma lives. I live in Logan. Small world isn't it?

That clipboard is so cute. It looks like the type of stuff I've seen through other crafters and Stampin' Up!

Nice to meet you.


Tiffany said...

You two look like babies when you go married. And YES, we all had poofy dresses! I had a small tiera on my head, but my hair is so big you can hardly see it. Fun to look back!!

Lori Ann said...

Hi Karri,
Lookd like a few of us were blog surfing lately and found your blog. I love making and giving away clipboards too. Your is very cute!

Anonymous said...

That clip board thing is a pretty nifty idea, it's decorated cute too. I'm glad you are so creative so i can get idea's from you.

Thanks for sharing!

Kjerstin said...

I heard you talking about blogging at bonco the other night and YEAH!! I found you! (I know, I just talked to you. . .but blogging is funner!) Will you show me how to make a clipboard? Read my entry from today, and you'll know why I need one! I also want your chicken salad recipe/procedure (I don't use recipes either). Talk to you later.


Wendi said...

How fun to come over to your blog and see comments from some of my friends!

Anyway that clipboard is the cutest thing ever! Can I be entered to win too? Adorable! I'm so jealous of crafty people like you. --wendi

Marne said...

Too bad we can't get together and scrapbook, I love doing that kind of stuff! Cute cute clipboard! :)

Shelly B. said...

Cute! Pick me, pick me! I neeeeed it!

Lesa Martinson said...

I hope I win. PICK ME!! haha Actually my b-day is right around the corner. :)

Alison said...

Cute clipboard! And I liked your thoughts on FHE. We finally did FHE last night for the first time in awhile, and our kids were so excited and so good and they just loved it that Dave and I would both sit down and spend time with them. I thought if it means that much to them we should really make more effort to do it!

Heather said...

What darling clipboards Karri! Those are so cute. That does make a really cute gift. Good work!