Happy Birthday Lesa!
It's my oldest sister, Lesa's, birthday today. This is a pic of when we were little. She is two years older than me and I'm so blessed to have her live in the same city as me. Our husbands were best friends growing up and now they're brother-in-laws. It's fun to hang out with them and our kids are best friends (most of the time)Here's some growing up memories I have of Lesa
When we were realy young and would take baths together, she would have one leg on the thing that the soap went on and the other leg on the opposite side making a bridge, she would tell me to go under and then she would pee on me. thanks sis!
One time when we were fighting, she picked me up and threw me in the bathtub full of water. I won't mention what I was doing to her first.
She would always make up dances and then make us perform.
She was the cool sister who would let me drive before I had my license when my parents were out of town. I even got to drive myself to drivers ed one time.
Our junior class beat their senior class in powder puff football and she and her friends wanted to beat all of us up. (Whatever!)
We would play hide and go seek with out stuffed bears after we were suppose to be in bed.
She would spend lots of time at Grandmas house (I wonder what she was doing. Family joke.)
Working in spud harvest she would always sneak in one of the trucks with my aunts and leave me out on the digger ALL NIGHT!
Making weekend trips to Utah when we had no kids.
She is the one that introduced me and Brad. Thanks!
How fun! You guys are awesome! I should meet you both in real life sometime! ;)
Happy Belated B-day to Lesa. I still remember sitting in Pizza Hut and an informer(Emily Harris) came running in & told us to hurry & leave cuz Lesa & friends were coming to beat us up after the powder puff game. They got there before we could leave, nothing happened except a lot of yelling between sisters. It made my night exciting though. You guys are great thanks for the memories!
Happy Birthday Lesa! I hope to get to know you sometime. We should totally get together for an IF "blogger" lunch. I am new in town and would love to get to know some ladies.
My sister would kill me if I ratted her out that bad!! :)
What a cute picture of you two. Fun memories! And so fun to have a sister that close in age to you.
very funny memories you remember :)And the memory about the tub is so not true :) Anyways thanks for the birthday wish, we do have tons of fun!!
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