A couple months ago I was released from Young Womans and called as the Enrichment Leader. Whoa! I was so surprised and felt very incompetent. Last Thursday was my first Enrichment of being in charge of. We decided we would focus on Service. I love service! We had a service auction that went very well and was very fun. The services I donated was to sew, crochet, or knit an item and to make a Japanese dinner. I won free babysitting and a plate of brownies. Very Excited! Since I was little, I've always loved doing service for others. I love the way it makes me feel when I'm all done. There is a shelter called the Ruth House here in Idaho Falls for mothers and children, I had everyone donate some items for this shelter. What a huge success. Our Relief Society President is a Mary Kay consultant and she donated a HUGE box FULL of stuff.I can get nothing done throughout the day, but if I take a plate of goodies to a neighbor I feel like I've accomplished a lot. The shelter was so thankful for all the things our Ward donated and I felt so good to that for them. They're in the process of redoing some of their rooms, I thought it would be fun to take my kids and help paint and redecorate. I just hope I can teach my kids the importance of serving others. These are the centerpeices I made and then gave away at the end of the night.
Karri - I think you'll do super at enrichment. What a great activity that you did already. I hope it all goes well!
Yes, I agree with Heather. You will do fabulous in that calling. I am the Enrichment Counselor in our ward RS and it would be fun to work with you.
We have done the service aution in our ward twice, and is always a big hit! One year I donated my limited cake decorating skills to make a cake for someone. I won free babysitting. OTher people gave the service of free salmon dinner (cooked and prepared by them), free music lessons, you name it. I love service auctions. Not only is it fun but you also get to know so many of the talents all the sisters have.
Nice centerpieces! I many have to borrow that idea...
You need to send me your ideas-I'm the Enrichment Counselor in the R.S. presidency and I'm always looking for new fun things.
Oh Enrichment! I love Enrichment! I have been the Enrichment Leader or Councilor in R.S. for the past 3 years. I love it! You will be great! Love those cute centerpieces!
You are superwoman! I could not even come close to being as creative as you are! Good job! Great ideas!
Congrats on your new calling. I did enrichment back in Wisconsin and it was overwhelming but fun at the same time. You will do great.
Hey I need to get you regular e-mail address. I ran into Lesa at Wal-Mart on Friday, I told her that I thought you were wonder woman, I think she agrees.
You are one of those people that I can say"If everyone in the world were just like her, the world would be a better place!" Way to go!
I got ripped off at Bonko! I didn't even talk to you for more than one minute! What's up with that? I missed out for sure. I was looking so forward to our fun conversations!
You will be great at this! Love the centerpieces.
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