I also met one of my favorite bloggers last Saturday. I was in getting roses for my girls and I thought this guy looked so familiar and I couldn't think of where I've seen him. Low and behold it was Shelley's (see sidebar) husband! Right when I put two and two together, I saw her. It was fun to see and finally meet her. YOu're such a cutie Shelly!
So now that everything is done, including school on Thursday, what will I do with myself? Well, we are still in piano and soccer and we are going to San Diego next week for TEN DAYS and I have nothing ready. So I think I'll be keeping plenty busy.
One last thing, does anyone else have anxiety because summer is here and ALL your kids will be home with you ALL DAY LONG? Don't get me wrong, I love being with my kids but summer always tests my patience (which I don't have any to start with)with my kids. So any suggestions on how you're going to keep your cool this summer?
Here's some pics of the recital

After a long and hard days work, this is how we found Ashlyn.

Karri, your girls are adorable! I loved dance when I was younger. I can't give advice on kids since I don't have any but have tons of fun in San Diego! Hopefully things slow down a bit for you so you can enjoy your summer!!
Seeing you was seriously awesome, I only wish we had had more time to visit! I ran into Lesa at Target yesterday too, so I have seen you both recently! Yay! Lucky me!
I love the dance costumes your girls are wearing. They look so cute. I need to get Boston started with dancing...email me and tell me where you take your girls!
The best advice I've ever heard was from Sister Hinckley (in one of her books, I can't remember which). She said that she loved hearing the screen door slam all summer. I'm thinking, "what? that drives me nuts!". She said she loved it because it meant her kids were home with her, not away from her at school. I guess I took from that that the most important thing is my attitude, not what my kids are doing. Easier said than done, especially when it won't quit raining and they can't go outside and play!
They look so cute in their dance costumes. We will be going through all of that next week. Brynlee's favorite part of dance is the recital, it will be nice to be done & have a break for a while. I don't know if it's really a break though we start swimming lessons next week, so next week will be crazy. Have fun in CA, wish I was going with you:) Hopefully I will get to see you this summer when we are in Idaho.
your girls are adorable. We need to do a bloggers lunch so we can all meet each other :)!!
Your girls are gorgeous! I especially like the photo of Ashlyn pooped out on the couch. That is too cute. You all definately deserve some rest and relaxation! Have a great time in San Diego!!!
Your girls are darling! I am sure they are awesome little dancers too.
Those costumes are soo cute. Love the red and yellow.
Have a great time in San Diego- you deserve a vacation!
What is better than girls in cute little dance outfits. I think we will have to do dance next year! I read somewhere that in a Marjorie Hinkley book that you should try to tell your kids "yes" as much as possible. What? She is right, kids love approval.
Yeah, you found me. Or okay, my blog. FUN. But I must confess, with two jobs and my new little business, my bloggin is scarce. Hopefully I will find more time to keep everyone caught up on our life. Not that we're very exciting, but I hate lokking at blogs, and always seeing the same thing. Looks like you guys have been very busy.
Take care, Rachelle
Cute girls. I hope you have a lot of fun in San Diego, we went in March and it was great. Maybe when you get back things will slow down a littl bit more.
Your girls look like little dolls. They are just so beautiful. I am so glad you get to go on vacation. It sounds to me like you need a break!! Enjoy it!!
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