Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hoppers~ Hop from one watch to another

My very talented sisters have decided to start a new business. Hopper Watches. You've all heard of Bumble watches. Well, these are like them except a lot cheaper! The quality is just as good or better and the designs (in my opinion) are better. ~sorry bumble~ So these watches are called Hoppers~ hop from one watch to antoher. Isn't that so cute. I own a few of these watches and every time I wear them I get tons of compliments AND they love the price of them. So I decided I would have an open house to help my sistas out. So if you come across this and live in Idaho Falls, YOU"RE INVITED!

Where: Karri's house

When: Wednesday, Feb 25 (tomorrow)

Time: 6-8 p.m.

Email me at karrinelson@hotmail.com or leave your email address in a comment and I will give you my address. If you can't make it tomorrow and would still like to see them, let me know and it CAN be arranged.

Here is their postcard:

Here are some other pictures of only a couple of the watches. The colors and designs are endless.


Anonymous said...

Those are really cute, wish I lived closer to come to your party. My sister in law just started a online jewelry site too. You can check it out on my blog or here is the site, www.blueasterjewelry.etsy.com she makes them all by hand out of some kind of liquid silver or something then fires them.. Anyways I don't know much about how she does it but they are really pretty pieces, so you should check it out.

Amberlee said...

Those are so cute! I wish I could come but I have sick kids and Ed is out of town. If you do another one please let me know :)

lacey said...

I really love these!! Do another party because I can't make it tonight!!! SAD!!! I love them!!

Pickett Fences said...

Hey Karri, sorry that I missed your party, I hope it went well. Thanks for the invite.