I can't beleive I haven't posted anything since the 18th. I've been crazy busy. I really need to better at journaling especially during the Holidays when I"m so busy. We had a great Christmas and I will just mention a couple highlights. We started off the business with treats to the neighbors. The kids absobluetly love helping me bake. They loved giving the treats to the neighbors. At one house, we saw one of the boys just outside so I yelled to him to come over and I gave him the plate of goodies and asked if he could take them in the house. Paige's comment was "Mom, when I take the plate I always say Merry Christmas. Maybe you should do that too." Good thing I have her to keep me on my toes. I found the plates at Tai-Pan (thank you, thank you). This picture is missing the Oatmeal bars.
Brad and I had been to quite a few Christmas parties which I will journal about later. I think there were about 5 different parties we had to go to not to mention all the Christmas shopping we had to get done. Every time we would leave the kids would have frowns. It made me think. Christmas is suppose to be about families and spending time together. I will make sure next year that won't happen. We did have plenty of family time together. One night we went and looked at Christmas lights. If you're in I.F. there's an awesome house in Iona that had dancing lights. You turn your radio on and there are about four different songs that the lights dance to. It's amazing and the kids loved it.
On Christmas Eve, we usually spend it with my family or Brads. This year I felt so strongly that we should spend it with just our little family together. We had a candle light dinner with Martinellis. The kids couldn't stop talking about it. They thought they were so grown up. Zack loved drinking from the wine glass. (better keep my eyes on him) After dinner we watch Santa Clause 3 and opened their pajamas.

Hailee had a hard time sleeping because she was so excited. The kids actually slept in until 8:00 Christmas morning. Here's some pics

We had Brad's parents come over for breakfast and then we went over to their house for prime rib. It was so good. Later in the afternoon we went to my parents house and played games and ate some more. The kids were drained and went right to sleep.
We did have one incident that was not so good. While Brad was away to Vegas, I decided I would take all the kids to church (yes, even sacrament) by myself. They were HORRIBLE. I would have left right after sacrament, but I was in charge of the YW lesson (which was awesome. WE did a silent lesson) AFter the lesson, I heard my kids fighting in the hallway. I went out to see what was going on. As we were leaving right where everybody congregates, Paige throws a coat on Ashlyn. Ashlyn couldn't get the coat off and was screaming. I had three bags in my hand and Zack was screaming for me to pick him up and Hailee and Paige started argueing. I had several men come up to me and ask if they could help. I assured them I had everything under control and I would be fine. The fighting and screaming continued as we were walking out and another man approached to see if he could help. I started bawling and gave him all my bags and he carried them out to the car while I carried Zack. The kids sure did get an earful while in the care driving home. I went in the house, leaving all of them in the car and grabbed all the presents and threw them in the big trash in the garage. The kids started bawling and screaming. My mom called while all this was going on and Hailee answered and was just crying to her. I felt like the worse mom EVER! But I didn't know what else to do that would make them realize. But for the rest of the day, my kids were on their best behavior. They did have a chance to earn all their presents back, which they did. And we all had a Merry Christmas! (whew!)
I love that you threw them in the garbage. I always threaten, but never follow through on anything, so my kids basically never listen to me ever. They know I don't mean it. I need to get better.
Why is it that when they're naughty, we're the ones that feel like a bad mom?!
Glad you had a good Christmas Karri! You were brave to face Church with Brad in Vegas! Sorry it was so hard. That was the upside of having sick kids while Jeff was gone to Sin City - NO CHURCH!! I was secretly relieved to not have to go alone.
Can I also just say that you have the cutest kids on the planet? They are adorable!!
There's something about trying to get out of the church that can send any mom over the edge! Especially when you don't have any help. What is it with church bags? I keep trying to consolidate my junk into one, but it just isn't enough. I'm so glad you had a good Christmas, especially spending some time with just your little family. Good job!
Karri, I'm so glad when I read your blogs to know that I'm not the only mom who ends up feeling guilty! Brysen had to earn his gifts back too this christmas... but his went into the car with a threat that I was returning them (yes they were wrapped but he didn't know better yet) I though I'd have to follow through, but he finally appologized and helped me clean (as much as a 3 year old can help) but it was a good gesture on his part. :) Your blogs always make me smile!
I honestly think you did the right thing!!! Am I bad too? When they know they should be better in public and aren't then that deserves a consequence. At least you let them earn them back. Kudos to you for attempting church! I hope they learned their lesson. Happy new year.
I'm laughing so hard at you throwing presents in the garbage! I LOVE IT, FRIEND! When they're stinkers (which mine FREQUENTLY are), they deserve a little wake-up. Seriously. Don't feel bad! That was a good mom-moment, even though you were so frazzled you began to cry.
I love that they had to earn them back! We have AL-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L been in your shoes--many times! And guess what?! You made my day by making me feel like I'm not alone in my frustrations. Thanks! :)
I'm so glad you have normal moments at your house! That makes me feel better to hear that your kids fight too (even though I hate when those moments bring me to tears). They are all so darling and look so cute in every picture. I can't imagine them to be anything but angels! :) I'm glad you all had a good Christmas!
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