Friday, February 6, 2009


suck! (I tried to get away from the word Suck, but it fit so good.) So a couple weeks ago Brad and I spent a few days in Las Vegas and last week we took the kids to Utah because Hailee had a dance competition and guess what. I forgot my camera both times! How can I forget my camera? Maybe partly is because I want a new one. In fact, I'm in the looks for a new camera I just decided so if anyone know of a good one, preferrably a Nikon, let me know which I need. Anyway Vegas was fun, but freezing. I didn't get to wear my flip flops that I was dying to wear. We went and saw Wayne Brady this time and he was ....AWESOME! I will definately go see him again. I wasn't a big fan of his before I saw him, but now I'm huge. He was so clean and funny and everything is inpromptu. Very talented. And I decided that I'm not one for fancy upity restraunts. We went to Enoteca San Marco, who is on the cooking network and thought it would be really good. Well, for one, if you don't drink wine people know you're mormon. I ordered a pork shoulder (not sure what I was thinking) and I literally got a pork shoulder and that was it. NO SIDES! And it was $30/plate. Anyway, not impressed.

So last weekend we Hailee had a dance competion in SLC and we, or should I say I, took the kids down. Brad went down with a bunch of his buddies and they went to a Jazz game and then he met up with us later that night. Hailee did awesome and her team did very well overall. They took first in all the dances they were in. Good Job Hailee.

So today was a very sad day for me. The preschool teacher who all my kids took from called and said she had an opening in the 3 year old and wondered if Zack would like to come. I was hesitant at first and then I asked him and that's all he could talk about was preschool. There was one problem. He wasn't fully potty trained. So I got him in undies all this week and he has only had a couple accidents. He did awesome. Well I didn't feel comfortable sending him in undies to preschool on Wed so I told him he needed a pull up. He was sooo upset. and said if he couldn't wear undies, he wasn't going to preschool. What?! So he didn't go. I finally talked him into to wearing a pullup today and he went to his first day of preschool. I was pretty sad because my youngest is not a baby anymore. But I guess not sad enough for tears. I tried to push them out, but they wouldn't come. I felt like a bad mom. So i now have a total of one whole hour by myself on Weds and Fridays. Yay Me! Ashlyn kept saying Mom, I miss zack.

isn't he so handsome!


Brittany said...

What a handsome littl guy! I bet it was pretty hard sending him off, even if for a short time! I remember visiting you in the hospital when he was born! Time sure flies by!

Marne said...

He is handsome! And sometimes I think it's good to not have the camera..and just have fun!


Oh my heck how sad for you that he is going to school already, I would be sad too if I had to take Aniston. If they have anymore openings let me know. And yes please bring a torch over, I would really appreciate it!

Cheryl and Scott said...

Oh, he is soooo handsome. He looks so grown up in that last picture. I can't believe you have all of your kids at school now. That is crazy. Part of me can't wait for that day and the other part of me doesn't want it to come because then they are growing up.

The High Family- said...

He looks so adorable with his little backpack! Great job for him on the potty training. (Also, any favor you need I would be happy to do it.)

Amberlee said...

Isn't alone time great? I don't mean to sound like a bad mom, but that one or two hours a week sure makes shopping and things like that nice :) I have wanted to see the Wayne Brady show too. It's good to know that he's clean and really funny!

angela said...

I like his hair so cute and spiky. Vegas is supposed to be warm! Sad for you. You guys are such a cute family....