Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ashlyn Soccer

We decided to sign up Ashlyn for soccer this year. She couldn't wait til her first practice. I didn't know how she would like it or if she'd even go out and play, but after her first practice, she couldn't wait til the game and asked every day. "when is my game?" "How many more days til my game?". After her first practice she comes up to me and whispers in my ear "Mom, I'm the best player." We don't have to worry about confidence with this girl.


Ann said...

I love magnet ball. Ashlyn is soooo cute. She sat with me last week in Primary and I fell in love.

Pickett Fences said...

Hey Ethan is in Soccer and he has that same uniform but he is on a different team. Their name is the "Little Lemon Puppies" but is should be "Little Yellow Highlighters"